Getting Started

Get the Source Code

You can clone the source code of RRV64 along with its simulator using git:

$ git clone


Several tools are needed to build the project.

1. Verilator : SystemVerilog Translator and simulator

On Ubuntu, executing the following command should suffice:

$ sudo apt-get install verilator

For other OS, you can install Verilator with Git. See here for more information.

2. Gtkwave : Wave viewer

To make use of Verilator waveform tracing, you will need to have GTKwave installed.

3. RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain

  • Choose Newlib for installation.

  • For RRV64, the configuration should be: ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv64gc --with-abi=lp64d

  • To add $PATH into PATH, If you choose, say, /opt/riscv as prefix:

    $ vim ~/.bashrc

    append export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin into .bashrc file, then save & exit, then

    $ source ~/.bashrc

Compile & Run simulation

With VCS

To compile RRV64 with VCS

$ cd rrv64/tb
$ make vcs

And then it will be compiled by VCS, to run the simulation

$ make vcs_run

The default program to be executed is Dhrystone

With Verilator

Verilator is an open-source simulator, it provides verilog/systemverilog compilation function similar to VCS.

  • Build RRV64 and run program with RRV64 in Verilator

    $ cd rrv64/tb
    $ make ver

    And then it will be compiled by Verilator, to run the simulation

    $ make ver_run

    The Dhrystone program is executed by default. You will see the execution result of Dhrystone in about one minute.

  • To change the program running in the RRV64 processor, edit the file rrv64/tb/rrv64/, input the path to the binary file you want to execute.

Check the Waveform file

With the argument +trace after ./Vtestbench, the program will produce a waveform file with suffix .vcd in the folder logs under its corresponding folder prefixed with sim_.

To check the waveform file, we use Gtkwave, say the .vcd file named vlt_dump.vcd:

$ gtkwave vlt_dump.vcd